When I was asked to write an article on Abbey Bear, I have to admit I was a little nervous. How could I really articulate what Abbey Bear means to our organization in a way that will go beyond the obvious? Well, I decided to do what I always do when I'm feeling at a loss for words. I prayed. I asked God to give me a voice that could accurately depict what Abbey Bear means to our organization.
In the days that followed this prayer came one of the busiest times of our cheerleading season. For a minute, I thought I wouldn't be able to achieve everything that was happening and successfully stay sane. We had a game on Sunday then immediately had to start preparing for another game and a halftime! The following Monday we had practice at the Star AND the stadium, practice Tuesday, practice Wednesday then a game day on Thursday. We then made the debut of our new Christmas show Friday and Saturday*. This is ALL on top of our regular work and school schedules. Phew. Talk about exhausting.
After the show Saturday night, my friend and teammate Amy asked me to church. I said yes, knowing it was exactly what I needed following the craziness of the week. As I took my seat and the message began, one of the first things the Pastor mentioned was that in life you need to "ride the lightning". Instead of letting life overtake you and letting the weight of activities affect you, you need to chase the nuances of daily life and go "above and beyond" your means. Embrace the struggle and let it make you better in the end. He further explained that this was the exact definition of Thunder… and encouraged everyone to "live a thunderstruck lifestyle".
Now for those of you who don't know, Thunderstruck is the signature pregame routine of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders. This routine is done at every home game and numerous shows that the cheerleaders are invited to. So imagine the revelation I had in my seat because the coincidence was too much for me to bear. In addition, "above and beyond" is the literal meaning of Abbey Bear.
AB (above) and BEY (beyond)
Needless to say, God answered my prayer.

To us, Abbey is a reminder that we ride the lightning in our lives. We push to achieve our goals (like getting through a crazy week) and override the obstacles that keep us from reaching them (tiredness, stress, doubt). And we do it all with a positive attitude. Abbey is a reminder that we are capable of going beyond what we think we might achieve. The Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders are a roster of amazingly qualified wonder women who not only focus on themselves but lift each other up as well. There is no challenge that we will not accept and there is no girl that we will not encourage to be better. Abbey is our daily reminder to be our best self. This is why I am so excited that Abbey is available to you as well. Abbey is a mindset. She is the positive light in each of us cheerleaders that is also in you too.
Remember that you are able to push pass your own boundaries and above the obstacles that are keeping you from reaching your goals.
So ride your lightning, boys and girls, because you have so much to offer in your thunderstruck life.
*I'm referring to our Cowboys Christmas Spectacular: Held at the Star in Frisco every Friday and Saturday night through December 22nd. COME! You'll love it.