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Offseason | 2021

How Jerry Jones Views Brand & Ratings vs. Wins


Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has always worn many hats since he bought the team back in 1989.

As the general manager and president, he has received plenty of praise over the years, none bigger than his Pro Football Hall of Fame induction in 2017. But Jones obviously gets his share of the blame as well, especially after his team didn't make the playoffs for the second straight season.

Criticism is nothing new to Jones, who is considered one of the best marketers and promotors of pro football in history. However, there can be a misperception at times that the Cowboys owner is more focused on things such as TV ratings, the Cowboys' brand and financial gain, rather than getting wins on the field.

He was asked that question during his weekly radio segment on 105.3 "The Fan" this week.

"First of all, I care tremendously about the viewership, and I care tremendously about the attendance at the stadium. I care tremendously about the attendance at training camp and the crowds that watch us practice," Jones said. "The promotion of the team is the promotion of the franchise, and that creates interest. And consequently, that begets enthusiasm by networks. It causes eyeballs to be on your television. So, I unabashedly work every way I can to keep the Cowboys interesting."

But Jones added that he would trade all the financial success to get his team in the playoffs and competing for another Super Bowl.

"Where there's a misnomer is that I care any more or less about that than I do about making a first down. That's where it goes (awry), and that's where it's not right. Every chance I'm given an opportunity to trade dollars or, if you will, trade an issue of visibility or an issue of promotion, every chance that I get (to trade for the first down), I go for the first down. Every chance.

"I'll go back to when I bought the team. That was the most money that had ever come out of anybody's pocket to get into sport. And, somehow, God willing, I was in the spot to do it, and I gave every damn bit of it up to buy the Cowboys because I would rather have that than have the money."

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