Jerry and Stephen Jones said the negotiations with the NFLPA are much more entailed than just reducing the issue to the high-revenue teams and the low-revenue teams being at odds with the amount of money which should be spent on salaries. Without getting into details, they said the differences have to do with much more than that.
In fact, this whole process seems to have been reduced to merely a tidy percent of the total gross revenue the owners are willing to pay for salaries. The latest reports have the owners upping their initial 56 percentage to 59.5, which would appear to be a half-percentage less than NFLPA executive director Gene Upshaw said any discussion would have to start with.
But Stephen Jones points out that if the owners are going to up the percentage, then the NFLPA will have to give up something for the percentage increase. Natural give and take in the negotiations.
Jerry Jones, though, has taken exception to these negotiations being characterized as the owners squabbling about revenue sharing, and has taken a hard stance against Upshaw, who has become a hard-line negotiator.
"I want to emphasize Upshaw and his staff have been extremely difficult," Jerry Jones said.
How difficult might be decided as early as Tuesday, judging if there is a celebration or not.