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Mailbag: Best Draft Approach? Combine Format?


If you were in a position to change or update the Combine, what things would you change? What drills would you take out? What drills would you put in? - JOHN BUI / ORANGE, CA

Bryan: Each position is different, but I'd add more drills where it shows the players' movement. I am a huge fan of the 20-yard shuttle and three-cone drill. Those drills tell you the most about the players. I'd get rid of the vertical jump, but not the broad jump, because that shows me the power of the player.

Rob: I'd like to see fans have more access to the on-field workouts. The drills/timing stations, to me, are fine. It's just important that the results merely supplement the overall evaluation of a prospect, starting with their college tape. Can't overreact one way or the other to what a prospect does in Indy.


With the draft coming up, don't you think Dallas will keep their same draft strategy as before? At No. 58, you can get an impact player as long as you don't try to draft by position, but ability. Second, third and even fourth-rounders have a chance to be impact players as long as you pick the best player. There is not a position on the team that can't use depth, including special teams. - ROBIN FULCE / PANHANDLE, TX

Bryan: Don't disagree with a word you've said here. I have always been a big fan of selecting the best player regardless of the need. It's always worked out best when done that way.

Rob: Yep, the Cowboys believe they draft best when they stick as closely to 'best player available' as possible. 'BPA' is a little unrealistic in every single round. At some point you've got to fill your biggest needs. But they realize it's a risk if you reach, especially without a first-rounder this year.

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