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Mailbag: Romo Worth the 17 Million?


Michael Thomas says Tony Romo deal is proof players should turn down CBA? Do you agree, why or why not? – TRICIA ROBERTSON / CHICAGO, IL

Nick: To answer your question, I can't say what the players should or shouldn't do because I haven't seen what the proposal actually is. If I did, I'm not even sure I would understand all the language. I think people are assuming Thomas is hating on Romo for making that money. Maybe he's saying that if CBS has so much money to pay these announcers, then perhaps the TV deal isn't enough as it should be. But yeah I can see his frustrations. If that's the market for announcers wearing a sport coat, why isn't it higher for the ones risking their health on every play. Then again, Romo is one of the best announcers we've seen in a long time and CBS knows that. He's one of the rare announcers people will actually turn on just because he's calling a game. So that's one reason his salary is what it is.

Jonny: I think Thomas is presenting a false equivalency here. If Romo's contract were for half or double the amount, I don't think that would say anything about what the players should be making. That said, I understand his frustrations. The players work extremely hard and they risk their personal health. Romo doesn't have a job without them. I'm not writing on this website without them, and you're not reading this sentence without them. They deserve compensation that reflects those realities.

Where is Connor Williams at with recovery? When do you see him being full go? – ZACHARY COLLINS / FISHERS, IN

Nick: We haven't seen a lot of Williams lately, but that's normal for guys rehabbing injuries. Sounds like he's done some light running and jogging and getting back into the mix again. Still, don't be surprised if he's limited until training camp. The jury is still out about his position. Remember, he was drafted as a guard but that doesn't mean this staff won't look at him as a tackle, perhaps a swing tackle. But health-wise, I bet he's ready for training camp, but still somewhat limited as well.

Jonny: That depends whether you're the type of person who sees no news as good news or bad news. There haven't been many updates on Williams since he had ACL surgery. With the strong possibility of losing backup linemen Joe Looney and Xavier Su'a-Filo in free agency, the Cowboys surely would love to have him fully healthy by training camp. I think the beginning of September would be a reasonable goal for him to be back.

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