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Mailbag: Should the NFL Add This Stat?


Do you think the NFL should have a statistic called "Team Interceptions"? If the pass was good and the wide receiver bobbled the catch and it ended up being picked, that's not the quarterback's fault. Although Dak Prescott is to blame for most of his interceptions this year, sometimes it seems like it's on the receiver. – Marty Monforte/Endicott, NY

Nick: I'm not sure how that would work. Not every pass is like the one Hendershot had against the Titans last week where he clearly had the ball and then basically hurled it in the air for an interception. The one to Noah Brown at the end of the Jags' game was clearly a drop, too. But there are plenty of other plays in which there's a debate on who's at fault. It's an interception on the quarterback. But it's up to the fans, media, teammates etc to watch the games and judge the player by the simple "eye test." Just watch the games and evaluate how Dak is playing. Against the Titans, I think Dak made one bad throw and it was intercepted. But the rest of the game was pretty good for him. That's why people who go off stats only shouldn't really comment on the game. These "national" media types that have these hot takes, clearly don't watch every game because it's pretty much impossible. But just watch the games and see for yourself how Dak is playing.

Kurt: Doesn't seem fair, right? That first interception at the Titans last Thursday night was a perfect pass to Peyton Hendershot, but the tight end bobbled it into the arms of safety Kevin Byard. And yes, that has seemingly happened several times this season. Heck, the fumbled snap in that same game was probably more center Tyler Biadasz's fault, but it got credited to Prescott's ledger. Ah, but such is life in the NFL. For every interception caused by a drop or mistaken route, there are plenty of passes where the receiver hauls in a quarterback's off-target throw. Prescott knows he's not always to blame for the interception, and he's handled those situations perfectly by not throwing his teammates under the bus, which deserves some respect. But the stat sheet is what it is and it's probably not going to change anytime soon.

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