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Mailbag: The New Rotation At WR?


Did the hiring of a new offensive line coach negatively affect the O-Line's progress? It seems like a couple players across the line took a step back this season with the change of technique with the new O-Line coach. - MIKE GRANT III / MY VIEW, HI

David: This is something a few people have pointed out, and I don't think you can completely rule it out. Tyron Smith and La'el Collins in particular have both seemed to regress a bit this season, and perhaps some of that is tied to technique. Ultimately, though, I think these guys are more than talented enough to work through it as they get more comfortable.

Rob: No question there was a bit of a transition this offseason with the way Coach Alexander preaches technique. I will say this, though: The offensive line has played well – outstanding at times – at home. Dallas entered the Washington game with the league's second-ranked run game. They've done some good things as a group. The question is why things haven't been nearly as consistent on the road. Travis Frederick's absence is certainly a factor, but there's more to it than that because Joe Looney has done a nice job overall at center.


With this trade how does it affect the other receivers guys like Allen Hurns, Deonte Thompson, Tavon Austin and maybe Michael Gallup? - BILLY MORRISON / Los Angeles, CA

David: To be perfectly frank, I hope the addition of Cooper puts an end to some of this rotating. That's not a knock against Allen Hurns or Deonte Thompson — it's really not. But Cooper and Beasley are now your best receivers, and Gallup has the biggest upside, not to mention he should stand to benefit from the attention defenses will pay toward Cooper and Beasley. I'm sure the Cowboys can find some snaps for Hurns and Thompson, but I'd like to roll with those main three as much as possible.

Rob: We've already seen Gallup's snaps rise, and that should continue with the way he's shown improvement. Obviously, Beasley and Cooper are going to be involved. Cooper's arrival could be the move that pares down the rotation during games. However, Austin is likely to be sidelined a bit longer with the groin injury, so until he's back there are more snaps to go around.

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