All The Best Tony Romo Photos
Take a look back at some of the best photos from Tony Romo's career in Dallas.
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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Sharon Ellman/AP Images
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©James D. Smith
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©James D. Smith
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Tony Gutierrez/AP Images
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©Jeremiah Jhass/Dallas Cowboys
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Brandon Wade/AP Images
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Tony Gutierrez/AP Images
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©Jeremiah Jhass/Dallas Cowboys
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©Jeremiah Jhass/Dallas Cowboys
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Brandon Wade/AP Images
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©Jeremiah Jhass/Dallas Cowboys
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Chris Pizzello
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Jordan Strauss
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James D. Smith/AP Images
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©Jeremiah Jhass/Dallas Cowboys
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Michael Ainsworth/AP Images
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