DCC Swimsuit Fittings - Day 1
The DCC are getting ready for their annual calendar shoot in Mexico! Follow Day 2 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/dccheerleaders

Lauren, Emma, Brittney and Katy try on swimsuits for the 2014 Calendar shoot in Mexico. Follow your favorite DCC on Twitter: http://www.dallascowboyscheerleaders.com/twitter

3rd year veteran Lauren Williams films behind-the-scenes footage for the 2014 Calendar Shoot special. Follow @DCC_Lauren on Twitter!

5th year veteran Sydney Durso tries on a swimsuit. Follow @DCC_Sydney on Twitter, or check her out on Talkin' Cowboys: http://www.dallascowboys.com/multimedia/live-shows/talkin-cowboys.html

4th year veteran Mia Greenhouse poses in a swimsuit during the DCC swimsuit fittings. Follow DCC_Mia on Twitter!

@DCC_Lauren poses on "the beach" during swimsuit fittings.

2nd year veteran Emma Mary poses in a swimsuit. Follow DCC_Emma on Twitter or check out footage from last year's calendar shoot here: http://bit.ly/X9Lt5C

Comparing shots of the favorite swimsuits.

2nd year veteran Mackenzie Lee tries on a bikini for the 2014 Calendar shoot in Mexico. Follow DCC_Mackenzie on Twitter.

@DCCMia and @DCCLauren try on their favorite one-piece suits.

2nd year veteran Brittney Schram poses on the swimsuit fittings set. Follow @DCC_Brittney on Twitter.

@DCCMia and @DCCLauren explain the benefits of one-piece swimsuits to the cameras.

@DCC_Brittney smiles on the set of the DCC swimsuit fittings.

@DCC_Sydney poses for the camera during the DCC swimsuit fitting session.

4th year veteran Jackie Bob arrives for her turn. Follow @DCC_Jackie on Twitter!

@DCC_Mackenzie poses on the set.

Believe it or not, this was just for Day 1.

@DCC_Brittney on the swimsuit fitting set.

Checking out the photos of 2nd year veteran Katy Marie. Follow @DCC_Katy on Twitter.

2nd year veteran Holly Arielle takes her turn. Follow @DCC_Holly on Twitter.

@DCC_Mia sorts through her swimsuits to pick out her favorites.

@DCC_Jackie Bob tries on a bikini option for the 2014 Calendar Shoot.

@DCCHolly helps @DCCJackie with the ties on her swimsuit.

Rookie DCC Jenna Lene greets Jackie Bob as she arrives for her turn at swimsuit fittings. Follow DCC_Jenna on Twitter.

@DCC_Jenna tries on swimsuits for her first calendar shoot.

@DCC_Jackie reviews photos of the shoot to help decide her favorites.

@DCC_Katy tries on a swimsuit option for her second calendar shoot.

Filming behind the scenes footage of @DCC_Emma for the calendar shoot.

DCC Choreographer Judy Trammell discusses swimsuit options with @DCC_Katy

@DCC_Brittney brings her swimsuits back to the rack after a long day of fittings.

The DCC team up to consult @DCC_Emma on a swimsuit option.

@DCC_Sydney sorts through her favorite swimsuits.

@DCC_Jenna tries on a bikini during swimsuit fittings.

Rookie DCC Collin Julia tries on an option for the calendar shoot. Follow @DCC_Collin on Twitter.

@DCC_Jackie poses in one of her favorites.

2nd year veteran Veronica Ann's swimsuits are all lined up ready to go on the rack. Follow @DCC_Veronica on Twitter.

Rookie DCC Jasmine Raphaella arrives for her turn at trying on swimsuits. Follow @DCC_Jasmine on Twitter.

Swimsuit selections of @DCC_Lauren sitting on the rack.

@DCCHolly and @DCCAlex pose in a photo for the offical @DCCheerleaders Twitter.

DCC Rookie Ashley Marie poses in a swimsuit for her first calendar shoot. Follow @DCC_Ashley on Twitter.

@DCC_Veronica fools around on the swimsuit fitting set.

@DCC_Holly discusses a swimsuit option with Kelli and Judy.

@DCC_Ashley tries on a swimsuit option for her first calendar shoot.

DCC Director Kelli Finglass and Choreographer Judy Trammell survey swimsuit options.

Rookie DCC Alex Hermes tries on a swimsuit for her first calendar shoot. Follow @DCC_Alex on Twitter.

Kelli fixes the hair of rookie Jordan Elizabeth. Follow @DCC_Jordan on Twitter.

@DCC_Jordan poses on the set during swimsuit fittings.

Tons of swimsuits everywhere.

Rookie Kim Nicole gets some posing advice for her first calendar shoot. Follow @DCC_Kim on Twitter.

@DCC_Kim reviews her photos on the computer to help select favorites.

@DCC_Jasmine tries on swimsuits for her first calendar shoot. Check back for photos of Day 2 later!