Moving Cities is an acclaimed short films project led by visionary British director Jevan Chowdhury. These short 5 minute art films feature global cities through the medium of film and dance, and the concept of shared space between city life, art and locomotion. Cities like Paris, Prague, London, Athens, Brussels and Nairobi have all been featured. These stunning films have been celebrated, awarded and featured at film and video festivals around the world, including the Aurora Festival here in Dallas.
This year, Jevan decided to explore America, and we were honored to have Dallas selected as the first American city to join the list of featured global cities. This cinematic art film was made possible the Dallas Convention & Visitors Bureau sponsorship, a committed steering committee and featured 17 Dallas locations and 56 dancers from 10 organizations. All filmed during three grueling weeks of work in the blazing heat of Texas September weather.
Using Chowdhury's trademark kinetic cinematography - Moving Cities Dallas marries classical ballet, line dancing and our own Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders with the iconic Dallas cityscape, hidden streets, freeways and Fairpark all showing the vibrant, exciting energy that is Dallas. Using all local talent, in front of and behind the camera, this project features a 21st Century city vibrant with growth, amazing architecture and a rich cultural landscape of working Dallas artists.
Jevan Chowdhury celebrates our city like never before. We join a pantheon of great cities being featured through the extraordinary art form of film, featuring the kinetic ephemeral art form of dance, while celebrating the magic of everyday metropolitan life. Our skyline, ever evolving with cranes and buildings, big personalities and big ideas – this film pays homage to the diversity and excitement that is Dallas.