By Samantha Finglass
We've entered the big leagues. Tonight's episode of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team shows the cut-throat final round of the audition process. The rookie candidates will now go head to head with the veterans. The talent of this year's auditions is unmatched. The judges will have a tough decision.
The round begins with a panel interview. The judges ask the candidates questions mainly pertaining to the Dallas Cowboys Football Club, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, and world politics. However, they have the ability to ask the girls almost anything under the sun, similar to any fan who attends a DCC appearance. If they intend on making it to training camp, the girls must be poised, purposeful with their words, and quick on their feet. In the DCC world, nothing can fix a bad interview, not even a perfect jump split.
The next phase of finals is the solo round. Each girl is given 90 seconds to show the judges their performance abilities. Candidates are encouraged to perform any style of dance that best showcases their abilities. However, they are not restricted to just dance. Audition routines have included vocalists, acrobats, gymnasts, and much more. On tonight's episode, expect to see some razzle-dazzle and some spectacular solos.
The best views from DCC 2017 Finals at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX.

After the solo round, the girls hit the field and the judges take to the stands to get a fan's perspective. Veteran and rookie candidates are mixed into groups of five to perform the combination from semi-finals. Judges are looking for mastery of the choreography, power and projection on the field, and big screen appeal. Each candidate is given an official Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders outfit provided by Rebel Athletic. Regardless of the outcome of their audition, this outfit is their keepsake for making it as far as they did in the grueling audition process.
And then the waiting begins. What will take about five minutes of your TV viewing experience takes hours in real life. The judges deliberation period begins in the afternoon and goes well into the night. The judges review each and every girl and share their vote of yes, no, or maybe. Because there are only a few spots open for training camp, and a room full of talent and dreams, the judges do their best to ensure they are inviting world class performers to continue on to this year's training camp.
Just how competitive was this year's audition? This talent was truly unequaled. With 28 returning veterans hungry to earn their highly coveted white boots back, and only 36 spots open on the team, girls who might have made it in a previous year were just a few 8-counts away from their dream come true.
Tune in tonight to Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders: Making the Team on CMT at 10/9c. Chairs will be thrown, fringe will fly, and a lucky few will be invited to training camp for the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.